Postbaccalaureate Credentials and Certificates

The minimum requirements for admission to post-baccalaureate studies at a California State University campus are in accordance with University regulations as well as Title 5, Chapter 1, Subchapter 3 of the California Code of Regulations.

Specifically, a student shall at the time of enrollment:

  1. have completed a four-year college course of study and hold an acceptable baccalaureate degree from an institution accredited by a regional accrediting association, or shall have completed equivalent academic preparation as determined by appropriate campus authorities;
  2. be in good academic standing at the last college or university attended;
  3. have earned a grade point average of at least 2.5 on the last degree completed by the candidate or have attained a grade point average of at least 2.5 (A=4.0) in the last 60 semester (90 quarter) units attempted; and
  4. satisfactorily meet the professional, personal, scholastic, and other standards for graduate study, including qualifying examinations, as appropriate campus authorities may prescribe.

Students who meet the minimum requirements may be considered for admission in either the Classified or Conditionally Classified standing:

​ Special Admission Action

In unusual circumstances, a campus may make exceptions to the enrollment criteria.

An applicant who does not qualify for admission under the regular admission criteria may be admitted to a program by special action if, upon the basis of acceptable evidence, the applicant is judged by the specific program director, College Dean, and Dean of Graduate Studies and Research to possess sufficient academic and professional potential pertinent to the educational objectives to merit such action.

Graduates of Non-Regionally Accredited Institutions

Graduates of non-regionally accredited institutions are not typically eligible for postbaccalaureate standing. However, admission to a postbaccalaureate credential or certificate program may be conditionally granted via the Special Admission Action process if the applicant has completed equivalent academic preparation as determined by the appropriate graduate program director and the Dean of Graduate Studies and Research.

Applicants who have completed their baccalaureate degree at a nationally accredited or nonaccredited university must consult with the department chair or program director, as the guidance on how to proceed will be highly specific to each applicant’s individual circumstances.

Postbaccalaureate Application Procedures and Policies

CSU Dominguez Hills welcomes applications from students without regard to age, marital status, religion, sexual identity, gender identity, sex assigned at birth, disability, race, color, or national origin who provide evidence of suitable preparation for work at the postbaccalaureate level.

Students are advised to contact the appropriate credential or certificate program office before applying to the program.

All applicants to graduate programs must file a complete application to each university of interest as described in the graduate admission materials at An acknowledgment will be sent to the applicant when the online application is submitted.

Applicants must submit the admission file by the specific program’s deadline. Contact the Graduate Studies and Research office for current deadlines.

Most departments require additional application materials for students seeking a postbaccalaureate certificate or credential. Applicants should consult the program sections of this catalog for specific program requirements.

Admission to the University is for a specific semester. Students who do not register for that semester will have their admission cancelled. When seeking admission at a future date, students must file a new application form, follow the complete application procedure, pay the application fee, and meet the current admission requirements. Transcripts on file will be retained for one year.

The University reserves the right to select its students and deny admission to the University or any of its programs at the University, based on an applicant's suitability and the best interests of the University.

Application Filing Periods

Applications to post-baccalaureat programs will open according to the schedule below:

Application Filing Periods
Terms Applications First Accepted Initial Filing Period
Fall Semester October 1
Spring Semester August 1
Summer Semester February 1

Please note, that not all programs are open for admission to every term. Each postbaccalaureate program that accepts students has its own application deadline. Some programs accept students only in the fall or spring semester. Individual programs must be consulted for deadline dates and admissions requirements.

Postbaccalaureate Transcript Requirements

One official copy of your transcripts is required from each institution attended at which the last 60 semester (90 quarter) units of upper-division course work were earned, excluding extension units. One copy from the institution awarding the baccalaureate degree must be included.

All transcripts must be received directly from the issuing institutions. All transcripts become the property of the University and will not be returned, copied, or forwarded. Processing of applications cannot be guaranteed unless all required documents are received during the designated application period. Persons who have transcripts sent but who do not enroll are advised that transcripts are retained for one year, after which they are destroyed.

Any student who earned a bachelor's degree at CSU Dominguez Hills and subsequently applies for graduate admission to this institution is not required to request or pay for transcripts from CSUDH.

Test Requirements

Students applying to Basic Credential programs must pass the CBEST prior to admissions. Please check with your program of interest if any additional examinations may be required.

International Student Admission Requirements

U.S. resident students who completed their baccalaureate education abroad and in a primary language of instruction other than English must submit academic records from foreign institutions prior to the application deadline. If these records are not in English, they must be accompanied by certified English translations.

International students, defined as those who hold U.S. temporary visas, exchange visitors, or in other nonimmigrant classifications, must submit additional documents. Verification of English proficiency, financial resources, and academic performance are each important considerations for admission under a supported student visa. International applicants are required to comply with the following additional requirements and instructions:

As noted above, all official documents submitted become the property of the University and will not be returned, copied, or forwarded. The acceptability of any international work will be determined by the University. For more information, visit the International Students website:

Readmission of Former Postbaccalaureate Students

All postbaccalaureate students who have withdrawn from the University or failed to enroll for a second consecutive semester must reapply for admission.

A student who left the University in good standing may be readmitted provided any academic work attempted elsewhere does not change their scholastic status. Transcripts of any courses attempted in the interim are required.

A student who was on academic notice at the close of the last semester of enrollment may be readmitted on academic notice provided they are otherwise eligible. The student must have official transcripts of any course work attempted during their absence sent to the University.

Postbaccalaureate Advisement Following Admission

Advisement is generally done within the specific post-baccalaureate program or department.

Adding a Credential or Certificate Within a Degree Program

Some degree programs offer options that differ significantly in academic course work and prepare students for singularly different careers. Graduate students wishing to complete a credential or certificate alongside their master’s degree program at CSU Dominguez Hills may do so by completing the Graduate Change of Objective form. Students must meet all requirements for the new program. All university policies governing postbaccalaureate credential and degree programs apply in the same manner to the added option.

Immunization Requirements

The CSU requires all students to receive certain immunizations, as described on the Student Health Services website:

Students who have questions about the immunization requirements, or who need to discuss an exemption from the requirements based on medical considerations or religious or personal beliefs, should contact the Student Health Center at (310) 243-3629.

Postbaccalaureate Academic Standards

Grade Point Average

The grade point average at CSU Dominguez Hills is computed on a 4-point scale. A specified number of grade points is associated with each grade listed in the "Grades and Grade Points" section. Credit/No Credit ("CR/NC") grades have no grade point value and are not calculated in the grade point average.

The total grade points are calculated by multiplying the number of grade points associated with the grade assigned by the number of units for each class. The grade point average is computed by dividing the total number of grade points earned by the total number of units attempted.

To remain in good academic standing, a student must maintain a cumulative GPA of 2.5 or higher, maintain a 2.5 GPA in all courses used to fulfill the program requirements, and make successful progress toward the certificate or credential.

To earn the certificate or credential, the grade point average of 2.5 is calculated on all courses used to fulfill the program requirements. No course with a grade lower than a "C" will be applied to the postbaccalaureate program. No student on academic notice may be granted a postbaccalaureate certificate or credential.


The grade point average required in prerequisite courses varies according to the particular program. See specific program requirements in the program sections of this catalog.

Scholastic Notice and Disqualification

Academic notice and Disqualification

Postbaccalaureate students are placed on academic notice if they fail to maintain a cumulative grade point average of 2.5 across all postbaccalaureate units attempted. If they do not bring their grade point average up to 2.5 in the following semester in residence, they are subject to disqualification from the program in which they are enrolled. Some students may be able to avoid disqualification one time if their department offers a study plan that is approved by the Dean of Graduate Studies and Research.

Students who have been disqualified for academic deficiency will be withdrawn from their certificate or credential program and may not enroll in any courses offered by the University other than those offered by Open University through Extended Education.

Administrative-Academic notice

A postbaccalaureate student may be placed on administrative-academic notice by action of appropriate campus officials for any of the following reasons:

  1. Withdrawal from all or a substantial portion of a program of study in two successive terms or in any three terms.
  2. Repeated failure to progress toward the stated program objective when such failure appears to be due to circumstances within the control of the student.
  3. Failure to comply with an academic requirement or regulation that is routine for all students or for a defined group of students (for example, failure to take placement tests, failure to complete a required internship, etc.).

When such action is taken, the student shall be notified in writing and shall be provided with the conditions for removal from academic notice and the circumstances that would lead to disqualification should academic notice not be removed.

Administrative-Academic Disqualification

A student who has been placed on administrative-academic notice may be disqualified and withdrawn from the certificate or credential program for any of the following reasons:

  1. The conditions for removal of administrative-academic notice are not met within the period specified.
  2. The student becomes subject to academic notice while on administrative-academic notice.
  3. The student becomes subject to administrative-academic notice for the same or similar reason they were previously placed on administrative-academic notice, even if the first notice was successfully remediated.

When such action is taken, the student shall receive a written notification, including an explanation of the basis for the action.

Reinstatement of Academically Disqualified Students

The reinstatement of an academically disqualified postbaccalaureate student is by special action only. Students must submit a Petition for Reinstatement, available on the Graduate Studies and Research website or in the Graduate Studies office. Students cannot apply for readmission through the Cal State Apply process.

Students will only be considered for reinstatement after a minimum of one-semester non-attendance following academic disqualification. Approval of reinstatement is partially based on evidence that the causes of previous low achievement have been removed or resolved. At a minimum, Petitions for Reinstatement must include a Statement of Low Achievement that explains, in detail, how the causes of low achievement have been corrected and what plans are in place to ensure future academic success. Students may choose to provide supplemental evidence, which could include, but is not limited to,

transcripts of coursework completed after disqualification, medical testimony, and/or other objective evidence.

To prove their academic ability, academically disqualified postbaccalaureate students may also complete courses through CSUDH Open University or at other regionally accredited academic institutions. Reinstated students are not guaranteed to receive content credit for coursework completed during disqualification. Grades earned elsewhere will not reduce the CSUDH grade-point deficiency or change the CSUDH grade-point average; grades earned elsewhere serve only as indicators of academic ability. Units earned will not be counted towards university residency requirements. Successful completion of coursework does not guarantee reinstatement to the University or to the certificate or credential program from which the student was disqualified.

Students who have been disqualified from a postbaccalaureate program may be admitted to another postbaccalaureate program on the recommendation of the department concerned and with the approval of the appropriate College Dean and the Dean of Graduate Studies and Research.

Petitions for Reinstatement and supplemental attachments should be submitted to the graduate program director of the disqualifying program. Submission deadlines are as follows:

Petitions for Reinstatement Submission Deadlines

Reinstatement Deadlines
Reinstatement Term Submission Deadlines
Fall Semester May 31
Spring Semester December 15
Summer Semester Not Accepted

The University reserves the right to request additional information from the student regarding their Petition for Reinstatement. Students will be notified of the reinstatement decision in writing by the Office of Graduate Studies and Research approximately 4 – 6 weeks after submitting the petition. Decisions are final and cannot be appealed.

If the Petition for Reinstatement is approved, the student will have to agree to the terms and/or conditions identified by the program. Postbaccalaureate students are restricted to a maximum of one reinstatement after academic disqualification.

Continuing Student Status

Postbaccalaureate students may elect to be absent for one semester without losing eligibility for re-registration, subject to the following conditions:

  1. Registration access will not be provided to students who were scholastically disqualified following their most recent semester of attendance at CSU Dominguez Hills.
  2. Students who attend another college or university during an absence from CSU Dominguez Hills must file an application for admission as a returning student and must have official transcripts of work attempted sent to the Office of Admissions. The non-refundable $70 application fee is required.
  3. Absence due to an approved Planned Educational Leave shall not be considered an interruption in attendance.

Completion of Postbaccalaureate Credential or Certificate

The award of postbaccalaureate credentials and certificates to students who have met the program requirements is managed by the department offering the credential or certificate. Please contact the specific program for more information about obtaining confirmation that a credential or certificate has been earned.

California State University, Dominguez Hills

1000 E. Victoria Street
Carson, CA 90747

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