Free Sample Non-Disclosure Agreement

Iptica has launched the best free customisable non-disclosure agreement (NDA) available. It is written in easy-understandable English, but remains watertight. We tested it and could not find any fault.

Free Confidentiality Agreement Sample

The SuperNDA Free NDA permits a high degree of customisation. It should cover any disclosure you may wish to make. If you require an added layer of protection, upgrade the Free NDA to a SuperNDA for only $99 – the only confidentiality agreement that is backed up by a Patent Pending Number. The SuperNDA also provides a third layer of protection – restraints accepted by the recipient; and caters for assignment to the discloser of any intellectual property that the recipient may develop. The SuperNDA is perfect:

Should you disclose information to a product developer or manufacturer, the SuperNDA is the better option.

Customisation of the Iptica Free Confidentiality Agreement

Insert both the discloser’s and recipient’s names and addresses:

Free Confidentiality Agreement Sample

Provide a general description of the information disclosed, then select the relevant information subcategories:

Free Confidentiality Agreement Sample
Free Confidentiality Agreement Sample

Regulate the type of information covered by the NDA, e.g. information previously disclosed, information requested in writing, and information marked “CONFIDENTIAL”:

Free Confidentiality Agreement Sample

Clarify whether the recipient may “use” the information. If so, detail for which purpose the information may be used:

Free Confidentiality Agreement Sample

Insert acknowledgements by the recipient regarding ownership of the information:

Free Confidentiality Agreement Sample

Clarify what steps the recipient must take to maintain the information confidential:

Free Confidentiality Agreement Sample

Clarify whether any material that may be delivered to the recipient is owned by the discloser and whether such material must be returned to the discloser or destroyed:

Free Confidentiality Agreement Sample

Regulate persons to whom the recipient may disclose information (e.g. directors, attorneys, auditors):

Free Confidentiality Agreement Sample

Select categories of information that are excluded from the definition of “Confidential Information”:

Free Confidentiality Agreement Sample

Set the term of confidentiality:

Free Confidentiality Agreement Sample

Select the law that regulates the NDA:

Free Confidentiality Agreement Sample

You can even provide for arbitration of disputes:

Free Confidentiality Agreement Sample

Should you upgrade to a SuperNDA, our provisional patent drafting and filing guide will assist you to draft your patent application.