The Tribal Law and Order Act of 2010

The Tribal Law and Order Act of 2010 (TLOA) is a law signed into effect by President Barack Obama that expands the punitive abilities of tribal courts across the nation. This law allows tribal courts operating in Indian Country to increase jail sentences handed down in criminal cases over Indian offenders.

The purposes of the Tribal Law and Order Act are to:

If a Tribal Nation meets specific requirements that ensure the protection of defendants, then their maximum sentencing is increased to three years in jail per offense (with stacking of offenses up to nine years per criminal proceeding) and/or $15,000 per offense.

Prior to the passage of the TLOA, the Indian Civil Rights Act (ICRA) severely limited the sentences that a Tribal Nation could impose on offenders. Under ICRA, the maximum sentence for convicted felonies is one year of imprisonment and a $5,000 fine. Other penalties such as community service, restitution, and exclusion are not limited under ICRA. Nevertheless, the ICRA severely hampered the ability of Tribal Nations to respond to serious and repeat offenders. The TLOA was a major step toward improving enforcement and justice in Indian Country—and a precursor to the 2013 Violence Against Women Act (VAWA).

Background: The Indian Civil Rights Act

The Indian Civil Rights Act (ICRA) guarantees due process to all defendants in tribal court. The rights guaranteed by ICRA include:

TLOA and VAWA Due Process Requirements

As sovereign nations, Tribal Nations are not required to adopt and operate under the TLOA. Likewise, exercising special tribal criminal jurisdiction (STCJ) under the Violence Against Women Act (VAWA) is entirely voluntary and elective for Tribal Nations. However, if a Tribal Nation decides to exercise the enhanced sentencing provisions provided by the TLOA, its tribal justice systems must meet certain requirements. The following due process protections are required under the TLOA. They are only required under VAWA if a term of imprisonment of any length may be imposed:

Many of the requirements of the TLOA and VAWA overlap. However, a Tribal Nation may choose to exercise the authority recognized in one statute but not another. If a Tribal Nation chooses to exercise STCJ, they must meet the following requirements of VAWA: